7 Incredible Ways to Boost your Immunity in 2020

7 Incredible Ways to Boost your Immunity in 2020

In this 2020 we all are facing and fighting against the devastating disease i.e. Covid-19. So in this time we need to improve and boost our immunity to fight against this corona virus. Government has resumed the services and open the lock-down. Now, its up to us ,it’s our individual responsibility to be safe and to make other save from this killer virus. So in this situation its important for all of us to improve and boost our immunity. Practicing good hygiene will lead to improving immunity. Boosting your immunity is the one of the measure steps to fight against diseases and successfully overcome them. By changing little bit of your lifestyle and daily habits you an enhance the power of your immunity system. So lets talk about what is immunity and how you can boost your immunity by 7 incredible ways.

What Is Immune System and Immunity?

Everyday our body get contact with several of dangerous and deadly viruses and bacteria which can cause dangerous diseases and harmful to our body in many ways. But even though we do not get sick daily with these deadly micro-organisms and we do not even know that there is any virus or bacteria enter into our body. This is all because of our Immunity and Immune system.

Do you know that more than 7000 of deadly virus and bacteria are present on our cell-phones which can make us sick and harm our body badly? Even we use our cell phone all day long and make direct contact with our skin and body but we do not get sick. Then what make us safe from these viruses? Actually this is all done by our immunity power and immune system.

Immune system constantly scans our body and detects the bacteria and virus and makes us safe from sickness. Immune system is the network of cells, tissues and organs which combining defend the body and make our body healthy.

How Immune System works?

As an antivirus of computer works, it scans and detects the virus from outside and prohibited its entry into the computer system same as that the immune system works as an antivirus for our body. It constantly scans our body parts and detects the dangerous virus and bacteria which are trying to enter into our body from outside.
If we do not have Immune system in our body then we can get sick even by little cold and cough and a little cut in finger and even we can be dead if any virus and bacteria got entry in our body .but because of our Immune system, we do not get affected because immune system save us from them very efficiently.

Our immune system of our body is made up of different types of cells different functions and together they become an army of cells which fights against the dangerous virus and bacteria. They scan our body parts and when they found any foreign bodies like- virus, bacteria or any deadly micro-organisms ,our white cells fight with these foreign bodies and make us healthy and safe. They protect us as a wall. 
1 drop of our blood=7k to 15k of white cells which protect our body.
So here are some incredible ways to boost your immunity naturally and stay healthy from corona virus.

7 Incredible ways to Boost your Immunity

  • Eat Citrus Fruits- East more and more citric fruits because they contain Vitamin-C which are very helpful to boost your immunity. Vitamin C is helpful in the production of white cells which helps to protect your body from the deadly viruses and bacteria. white cells fight with the infections and defend our body.Citric fruits are known as Immunity Booster.Besides this ,they are also the best for healthy skin.Citrus fruits includes- Oranges, lemons, blueberries, grapes etc.(best face masks for summer for glowing skin)

  • Eat Green Vegetables- Eat more and more Green vegetables in your daily meal. Green vegetables are the best source of immunity booster as they contain vitamin C and other necessary vitamins that keep our body healthy and make it strong to against the deadly viruses and bacteria. Green leaves act as an antioxidants which helpful to stay away the virus and boost your immunity. Green vegetables include- Broccoli, spinach, cauliflower ,etc.

  • Practice Yoga- Practicing of yoga and moderate exercise daily will help you stay positive and also help you improve your immunity system. Yoga helps you to poses less stress and low level of stress will increase the power of your immunity system. Because however stress lead the weakening of the body so yoga and some exercise will reduce the harmful toxin from your body as well as make your body function well.By this way you can boost your immunity.

  • Green Tea- Green tea has the antioxidant properties which are very helpful for our body.It makes our body toxic free and flush out all the harmful and fatty elements from our body.You can add ginger and lemon in your green to make it more delicious as well as the best immunity booster. Green tea is a good source of immunity booster antioxidants. Add green tea in you daily routine to make your immune system strong and boost your immunity power.( reduce belly fat without gym or exercise )

  • Little Exposure to Sun- Sunlight consist of Vitamin D and many essential minerals which is important for the body and how magically it energizes the cells of your body and leads to strong immune system.Only Little loses of sunlight are all you required to boost your immunity. It energizes the T-cells of the human body and play the vital role to increase your immunity.It helps to maintain blood levels and gives you sufficient dose of Vitamin D. Thats why sun is important factor to boost your immunity.

  • Prohibition of Packaged or Junk Food- These fats are associated with abdominal fat gain,insulin resistance ,inflammation and heart disease. Avoid them,as they weaken your immunity and can damage your immune system.Packaged food or junk food has the most harmful effects on to body.you can take dry fruits and some homemade snacks instead of these packaged food.There are lots of packaged food available in the market which are easy to make yet harmful effects in your body . They lower the immunity level and slower the process of fighting against deadly viruses and bacteria. Prohibition of them will enhance your immune system and boost your immunity easily.

  • Drink Ashvagandha with Milk- Ashvagandha is the Indian herb has been used from more than 5000 years in the aryurvedic medicines. Ashvagandha helps to produce more of the white cells and boost the immunity of your body naturally and the safest way.It has powerful Adaptogen which reduce the stress. Ashvagandha helps to defense the body from the dangerous viruses and infection. It is the best immunity booster you can ever use contains many other benefits to body. It improves and boost your immunity and maintain overall health and stamina of the body. So take it with the glass of milk will improve your immunity in a healthy way.

Some Daily Healthy Habits

  1. Do hand wash very often
  2. Eat more and more fruits and vegetables
  3. Drink lots of water or atleast 8 glasses of water everyday
  4. Do not smoke
  5. Drink a glass of hot water in the morning
  6. Intake of multi-vitamins
  7. Stress less, laugh more.
  8. Maintain proper hygiene.

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